Sunday, May 22, 2011

Seeking Good Health

What's This?

A blog about my journey to find good health amid all the chaos in our (US) health care system. As one who tends to be a contrarian and relentless seeker to find the truth, I will write about my thoughts and experiences on my own health journey as well as what is wrong, or right, with our current health care system.

Who am I?

An optimistic middle-aged single man hoping to improve my health so my golden years are really golden. Actually, today I am considered to be in fairly good health by most standards. And that's the problem. Those "standards" are deficient. I'll tell you why I think so and what I am doing to monitor and improve my health. My focus will be on men's health, although most writings will apply to either gender.

The journey started some time ago for me, so I've got some blogging to do...